An Android App

In this tutorial we are going to make an Android app. We will do this using PHP for the generation of the data and with Java and XML for the creation of the real Android app. As a data format we will use JSON, so if you haven’t read my previous article about JSON, read it first. I won’t assume knowledge of Android/Java, but I expect you to know PHP. As data I will use a fictional news feed. All code can be found in the GitHub repo, of which some is unfortunately in Dutch.

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JSON is a data formatting language being used by many APIs nowadays. In this article, I will first explain JSON’s syntax. I will also talk about how you can parse JSON and how to generate it yourself. JSON is available as of PHP 5.2, but a lot of useful features have been added in PHP 5.4, so I will mention it when an example needs PHP 5.4

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